Why train a dog?

Training is an essential part of having a dog and can be started at any age. The training builds confidence, provides mental stimulation and strengthens the bond between humans and animals. It's never too late to start training. Owning a dog can bring a lot of joy to your life.

But obedience training for dogs is a vital part of socializing them. Without proper training, your dog will have difficulty integrating with your friends and family, as well as with other dogs. Many people, both pet owners and non-pet owners, would agree that training plays a critical role in a dog's development and ability to interact safely with its environment. Despite this, most respondents in a Pet365 survey reported that they had never taken their dog to a professional training class.

It is important to remember that dogs do not come to this world speaking English, Swahili or any other language. They understand and respond more to body language and actions than to our words. If you want to train your dog quickly and efficiently, speak less and be more aware of your body language, facial movements and actions. In addition, your tone of voice is more important than any word.

However, what is no longer a matter of debate is that whenever you hire a qualified and truly positive trainer, any money spent on training will be returned to you and your dog exponentially in terms of a healthy relationship and a harmonious home. It's one thing for your dog to obey the owner's orders, but a successfully trained dog will also follow the orders of others when you're not there. Taking your dog to obedience training for puppies when they are still young is a great way to do it. However, people have turned to professional training and learning the basics of dog training.

Science tells us that the most effective training method (or better yet, the learning method) is positive reinforcement-based training. Regardless of how you end up together and at what age, a dog is never too young or old to be trained or socialized. If you think you need more support, participating in a class or hiring a trainer may be the best option for you and your dog. Most of the dogs I see in shelters and rescue organizations are there because the dog grew too much after growing up, or the parents never took the time to train their puppies or dogs when they brought the dog home.

There are many wonderful (and inexpensive) books, videos, and websites that can help you follow a DIY training regimen. The good thing about training your dog is that you are also training yourself to interact with your dog in a positive way and build relationships. During this time in your dog's life, your dog will be much more receptive to training and will have a greater learning capacity. In addition, if your dog ever gets lost or needs to be placed in a shelter, being well trained only increases the likelihood that he will behave well or, if necessary, be placed with a new family.

If there is no training or punitive methods, a fearful and undisciplined dog can never make you happy and happy as a pet parent.

Lillian Boiles
Lillian Boiles

Award-winning food ninja. Certified travel evangelist. General coffee expert. Certified music ninja. Lifelong coffee fanatic.

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