When to train a puppy to sit?

Puppies can start a very simple training from the moment they get home, usually around 8 weeks of age. Say a sign like “sit down once. Use a treat to place your dog in a sitting position. Place your puppy in a “sitting” position.

Take the palm of the treat up and move it forward and away from the puppy while saying “stand”. Your puppy must return to follow his nose and stand up. Do not move your hand away so far that the puppy follows you, but only until he stands up. An essential part of raising a solid canine citizen is basic dog training, and we argue that knowing how to teach a dog to sit is one of the most important “tricks” out there.

Teaching your dog the command to sit not only lays the foundation for continuous training of the dog, but it also slows down your puppy's impulses and keeps him out of danger. In that sense, it gives both of them a little more freedom and flexibility in their daily lives. How can I teach a dog to sit from the “down” position? It may also be helpful to train the puppy just before a scheduled meal when he is hungriest. For puppies who are easily distracted and hard to concentrate, consider using a leash and halter to get the puppy into position and then let go and give him the treat as soon as he sits down.

Cathy is a certified professional without fear, a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the Pet Professional Guild and the Dog Writer's Association of America. The training of puppies can be a little more relaxed with the aim of them walking politely on a loose leash without pulling. While a small treat usually works best, a favorite toy or special treat for dogs may be more appealing to some puppies. Puppies constantly learn, whether from their environment, to socialize with people or other animals or from direct training.

In some situations, puppies even begin a certain amount of formal training before going to their new home, such as a start in home training, greetings, and how their actions can lead to rewards. Training classes for small puppies are also a great way to socialize your new pup with a variety of people, dogs and other stimuli in a controlled environment. Providing puppies with proper socialization and basic puppy training allows them to become self-confident adult dogs. Depending on your dog or puppy's attention span and interest in training, these training sessions can be held once a day or divided over the course of the day into several sessions.

In fact, every time the puppy is given a reward of any kind, be it food, a toy, a walk or even affection, it would be a good time to practice a training command such as sitting. Decoy training is the use of a treat or something else that the puppy will follow predictably to show him what to do. Teaching your dog to sit is a good starting point for your training, and can be a very useful command for him to learn. There are many different methods of training your puppy that you may have heard of or even seen in person with a dog handler.

If the puppy sits reliably and consistently, practice sitting training before feeding, giving him toys or treats, or during play.

Lillian Boiles
Lillian Boiles

Award-winning food ninja. Certified travel evangelist. General coffee expert. Certified music ninja. Lifelong coffee fanatic.

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